Saturday, November 08, 2008


Not much to report here...other than we dressed up and went around the neighborhood begging for candy. But other people came to our house and begged for candy too, so it all came out in the wash. The weather was perfect, and having Halloween on a Friday night was a bonus because the kids could stay up later.
Annual Pumpkin Carving at "Big" Grandma and Grandpa

Maggie digs in...

The artists and their work

Jack was an "Army Dude"...
...Molly, The Bride of Frankenstein...
...Maggie, the bridesmaid of Frankenstein

...and Joey was Two-Face from Batman.

Then, there's the Phantom of the Opera with ????

Hey Addams Family, Eat Your Hear Out!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! What a "cute" family you are! Also, I love your definition of Halloween! Hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, wish I was there with you! I also love to dress up for Halloween. This was my first year not doing so cause I was down with pneumonia and could not. But, next year You'll see.... I'll send you my pictures or better yet, maybe I'll spend it there with you!! We'll have a contest as to who is the crazzzyestt!!!!


Aunt Eva