I spoke to Janice tonight...well, sort of. I could hear her perfectly, but she could hardly hear me. So, she told me about her day today and said she'd follow up with an email later. She's using borrowed phones. AT&T is providing free service, so even though the communications are short and infrequent, they're free.
Today, the traveled an hour to a local pastor's house. There was a makeshift clinic in his front yard. She said they saw 180 patients today. Most of them had more chronic issues, and not necessarily issues related to the earthquake. She said lots of babies and children came through. She had a real tough time describing the conditions these people live in. She said it was like spending the day in a burning garbage dump. They burn all their trash right near where they live. And not just a few people here and there, but thousands. 2 or 3 times she said, "I can't even begin to describe it". Nevertheless, she said that the people are sweet, they smile and they are patient as they wait for medical care. The have a couple of young men not much older than 20. One of them was with two friends when the earthquake hit. They ran, he went one way and survived. His went the other way and died. Then this young man ran into a pregant woman who went into labor. He helped her deliver the baby. And he's not even 20 years old.
They are staying at a Christian school. She said the walls are concrete, they have electricity (though it went out for an hour today), and they are well protected. The school is back in session, using rooms that weren't damaged. She said in one of the rooms, the following was written on the board: Verse of the day, January 12, 2010: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13. The earthquake hit the next day.
Below is a picture of her getting ready, testing out equipment before they left.
Keep praying...

I guess I don't know of any other way to say this but since I saw a smile on her face... it's so ?cool? to see Janice experience this... She is living what George and I lived thru in Honduras in 2008. Granted there wasn't a massive earthquake that traumatized the country but the living conditions of the people are very similar - living in homes that you cannot believe they live in, burning trash anywhere and everywhere, going thru trash looking for food or for anything of value to sell. Kids running bare foot in trash, eating pizza they found, dirty faces, blank stares, hopelessness, fatigue, anguish. Sad. Then the medical clinic is so exhausting - seeing hundreds of kids and babies and adults in dire need of medical care every day. The lines are endless. They walk for miles to be seen and we may or may not be able to help them as they have so many health issues that have built up. The chronic issues that you can't do a whole lot for but they need help so badly that you give them as much medicine you can to help them for as long as it can - at best 3-6 mos. It's so sad. Even if the earthquake didn't cause their health issues, it's probably been so long that they've seen any sort of medical care. That's why they said the earthquake is a blessing to Haiti as they are now getting the help they need so badly.
I have several other friends serving with Kids Alive International who will be building homes for the Haitian orphans - they just arrived Tues in the DR and then were headed to Haiti. ~Amanda
Thanks for allowing us to follow Janice in her mission. I'm sure she is seeing more than she is describing...
Our prayers continue! May God bless
Aunt Eva and Uncle George
Awesome Hidalgo's!! Ya'll are livin' up to your name and doing amazing things(not that you weren't already). I like the updates, thanks!
All I can say is WOW. Praying for her every day as I cannot imagine being in the mist of all that and still maintaining, she is amazing!!
Judy Marsh
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