From Nate:
Today started at 6:30 with the birth of a baby girl and ended at 8:30pm with a baby boy born right during another aftershock. We saw almost 400 patients today. A couple times things started getting rowdy with crowd control but the Marines would walk through and everyone straightened up real fast. They finished building us a wooden shed for an OR (operating room). Go Marines! The hardest part of the day was a little 8 year old girl. Her leg was broken in the earthquake. Her dad died years ago and her mom abandoned her and left the country. I spent 1/2 the day with her as she waited for an evac. I wanted to adopt her right there. She was in pain but was sweet all day. I think half the team fell in love with her. The team continues to do great! Time to hit the sack, or ground as is the case out here!
From Janice
It was a typical day here for the mere fact the craziness is typical. Everyone is great to work with. This compound (in Petite Gouave) was set up and run thru the Weslyan Church. People are here from St. Louis, Canada, South Carolina and our group from Texas. We had to amputate a guys finger today. It was really gross. It smelled so bad. I was OK until the Dr was pulling out the worms. Yuck. Speaking of smells. I have never smelled this bad in my whole life. No shower for me tonight because I was helping w/ a mom. When we were done the showers stopped working. Trust me they weren't that great when they DID work. It is really not that bad. I feel like I can just keep working long hours. That is what I am here to do. I don't have to worry about meals. I don't have to worry about the kids. I get to go home and not have this as my permanent situation. So why not just work? Just a fair warning. If I don't get a good shower before I get home, "El Stinko Mama" will be getting off the plane. We were talking about food today and I said my first drink will be a Grande Iced Latte and then an ice cold beer. Well, I am tired. I have to go.
4 month old baby. Janice said the picture
doesn't show how really sick this baby was.

One of hundreds of buildings she said she has seen
Section of a village. See the flattened buildings in the back.
Our translators...all filled with the love of Jesus.
And if you're worried if she's safe? That building in the back
is the OR the Marines built.
I have so appreciated these updates. I pray every morning as I read them - It makes me feel closer to the situation and really has an impact. Janice, you are amazing - I will keep praying for strength, safey and health for you and your team as well as for the people of Haiti and those precious little ones. Thanks to Jay for keeping all of us in touch.
With love and prayers,
Judy Marsh
oh how I loved the part about the smells and worms. *sarcasm*
Your mom is AWESOME!!!!
Hugs, Maruchi
ps- and brave especially around smelly worms :-D
Janice, don't have to worry about being "Stinko Mama". You're going to come home smelling like roses for everybody!! Just get home safe!
Much love,
Aunt Eva and Uncle George
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