Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Note From Janice
Here's what she could use...
-A new bed with Linens Pillows
-A Reading chair with side table
-Shelf small for books, paper etc.
-Small rug for the reading area
-Reading lamp reading extends over chair
-Window treatments
-Baskets for closet
-TV and Wall mount
-Picture frames (dark wood), Candles, decorations
-Bath toys
-Bed for 2 year old, with linens
-Kids dresser
-Toy bin
-Plastic bins with drawers
If you want to know more, or want to help, comment on this post.
Thanks, Janice.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Giants vs Detroit!

So, Jay, Joey, Jack and Jack’s friend Ethan drove to Detroit Sunday night, braved the cold Monday to stand in line waiting for the game, and eventually got to watch the Giants beat the Vikings 21-3. For Joey, Jack and Ethan, it was their first NFL game. For Jay, it was one of those “I love being a dad” memories that will be cherished for a long time. Take a look…
Monday, November 01, 2010
Halloween 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010
Another Half Marathon

That a Girl!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Colorado with the Cousins
We decided to spend as little time as possible at home this past August. Four days after we got home from Glen Arbor, we were on our way to Colorado to visit with Jay's brothers, one in Denver and one in Colorado Springs. Even though their cousins had started school, they all had a great time together. We got a hike in and a trip to Garden of the Gods as well.
Enjoy the pix here.
Glen Arbor
Before summer 2010 becomes too distant a memory, we wanted to get these Glen Arbor pictures up. This year, our friends the Pottengers came for a few days. We also took a day trip to South Manitou Island, and Jay completed a 100 mile bike ride. It was unseasonably hot this year, so lots of beach time. As always, we can't wait until next summer.
Friday, June 11, 2010
It's Official...He's a High Schooler!
Saturday, June 05, 2010
8th Grade Philadelphia Trip
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Getting ready for school...
Janice:Why do you have that Mets shirt on again?
Jack: I have a rule about my clothes.
Janice: And what's that rule?
Jack: I can wear my clothes 2 days in a row. But, if they're dirty, then I can only wear them one day."
Can't argue with that logic
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Beauty and the Beast
Last night, Joey's school had their final performance of "Beauty and the Beast", in which Joey starred as The Beast. Not only was this their final performance, but it was Joey's last performance at Walker Charter Academy. He's been in the musical every year since 4th grade. For those of you who know Joey well, you'll know that this is his niche. He LOVES to perform, and he does it so effortlessly. To watch him in his element, in his final year, was an emotional highlight for Janice and I.
We've posted more pictures here.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
She Did It Again!!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Jackie Boy Takes the Field
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Disney 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
100th Day of School
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Pictures from Haiti
Click here to see the pictures:
Video from Haiti
Monday, February 08, 2010
One More Update
Hey all:
Thought I'd post one more update so you can have an idea of what Sunday and Monday were like for Janice.
First, here's another message from my friend Nate:
Sunday we attended to about 120 patients before we had to leave. A truck resembling a paddy wagon complete with a cage bounced us back over rough roads to Port Au Prince. We were happy to be back at our base to shower and eat a good meal. The Special Ops guys set up a 10 x 10 foot screen so we could all watch the Superbowl on the small soccer field. I ended up sitting next to the commander of the company and talking with him. It was not only an honor, but also a very fun way to watch the Superbowl! Afterwards we piled back into our paddy wagon for our ride to the airport. We put our names on a waiting list to see if we could hitch a ride back to the USA on an empty Air Force cargo plane. Then we laid out on the Tarmac to sleep until we were called. It's hard to call it sleep when C5-As, C-130s and other large aircrafts are taxiing past you with engines screaming. But finally at 6am we caught a ride on a large cargo plane that was flying to Charleston SC. We made it and are now waiting for our plane back to DFW. The team did an awesome job. We treated and prayed for just over 1000 people. At our debrief many on the team talked about this being one of their best trips ever. Praise God! We are glad to be home.
Janice flew from SC to Newark, then arrived in Grand Rapids at 6:00 PM. The kids were more than thrilled to see her. She got home, showered, ate and as I write this, snuggling with Maggie.
I leave you with a thought, a request and some more photos...
- A thought: Thank you all for praying. Please continue to do so for the people of Haiti, for Janice and our family. Our prayer is that this is the beginning of something bigger than ourselves for the Kingdom
- A request: As unbelieveable as this trip has been, she's drained. She'll need a few days to process, pray, sleep and sleep some more. She can't wait to thank and hug so many of you...and wants to do so on her time. So, like I told the kids before we picked her up, please give her the time she needs.
- Photos...
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Haiti Update Feb 7
Saturday started out calmly. By 3 pm we had seen about 275 people. Several cases had to be evacuated to a hospital 3 hours away. We all showered and sat down for dinner around 5. Then it started. Multiple motorcycle accidents came rushing in, anxious and angry family members followed. Dust was everywhere as our team worked outside 30 feet from a dirt driveway. 2 pregnant ladies showed up, one in need of an ICU. 2 seperate burn victims came in ferried in on motorcycles or cars. We were at capacity. Doctors and nurses treated patients under the glow of their camping head lamps. Family members and curious onlookers pressed in. One guy exploded in anger and lunged at a patient. I body slammed him and then made sure he wouldn't be a problem. The Marines next door caught wind of our dilema and showed up to provide a semblance of order. That's a good feeling! The night ended with the Spanish military showing up in a chopper to evac one of the patients. 6 of the wounded stayed all night as the team took shifts watching them. We are trying to find hospitals that are functioning and will accept them. After a 17 hour day we fell onto our mats and slept soundly, except for another big aftershock at 1:30 that woke us up. Thanks for praying!
To add to that, Janice called and told me that the people are all afraid to sleep inside after the earthquake, and the aftershocks are keeping that fear alive. She said that last night (Saturday night), she was up till 2:00 then slept til 4:00 helping the patients that needed to be watched over.
Janice and I emailed back and forth during the Superbowl (she was able to watch it with the Army). Earlier this afternoon, emailed to ask for prayer for the 5 critical patients she and some team members escorted today from Petit Goave back to Port-au-Prince. The emailed me a few hours later, telling me that they had arrived safely. And just now, another message: They are at the airport, looking to get a flight back to the states. So, please pray that the travel back is safe.
Her email tells us much about who she is:
Subject: Leaving Haiti :(
We r @ the airport right now (had to wait until the game was over). We r waiting for a military flight of sorts. That is all I know. I don't even know where we r going in the states. I am thankful to be coming home but very sad to leave Haiti. There is so much need here.
Also, a picture Nate sent last night, with the message: "It might be dark but she's still going"

Saturday, February 06, 2010
Janice Just Called
Thanks all…please pray.
Haiti Update Feb 5th
From Nate:
From Janice

One of hundreds of buildings she said she has seen
Section of a village. See the flattened buildings in the back.
Our translators...all filled with the love of Jesus.
And if you're worried if she's safe? That building in the back
is the OR the Marines built.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Haiti - February 4th, 2010
As you can imagine, she had lots to tell me, and of course, wanted to know how the kids were doing, so I spent a lot of time letting her know how things were going here. She said that many of the patients they have been seeing have chronic issues and it's been good to help them provide medical care. For those of you who have asked about her safety, it seems that they are hanging out with the Marines while in this village, so security is not an issue. They are staying in military tents, and sleeping on military cots. The heat is tough to work in by day, and she told me to tell Michelle Hansma "good call on the scrubs". I guess some of her co-workers are in jeans, and struggling with the heat. Pray for the team. The 24 hour bug is being passed around...not good.
Below is a message I got tonight from Nate:
Today we drove thru a lot of destruction to a town 3 hours away. In some places the road was cracked in 2. About 20 of us crammed ourselves and 2500 pounds of gear into a beat up rejected US school bus. I think each wheel had about 3 lug nuts. We arrived at the town and immediately began seeing patients. These docs and nurses are amazing. Fixing ugly wounds, sowing hands back together often in 85 degree heat and no electricity. I've been using my French all day helping to translate. The US marines are building us an OR so they are here. The Navy corpsmen have pitched in too. We are sleeping outside in tents while here, but we are comfortable. Thanks for praying.
And finally, a picture he texted of me at Janice at work. This was yesterday.

Thanks for all your messages, and encouragement. I told her she was having quite an impact here based on the comments I've received from people. Her response was "Really?!?!" Typical Janice, showing kindness and not thinking anything of it. Blessings to all of you!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Haiti - Wednesday, Feb 3
This first message was sent last night (Feb 3) but didn't get here until today:
It really was a good day. I am so thankful that I am feeling better. I am thankful that I am here. Tomorrow we go back to the same place. In a few days we will be going to a village and things there I think will be much worse. I love u all. Tell Jack and Joey the army is setting up a big inflatable screen to watch the Superbowl.
This one came earlier this evening:
OK I have time to write and not be rushed...I hope.
I have been sleeping well except that I am really hot at night. That is a yucky feeling. In the morning it is actually cool. At night I just get hot in my bag. I get up, wash up and eat a granola bar or 2. We pack the bins, the truck and cram into a tiny pickup truck and drive an hour to our spot, set up then we see the patients. Most have chronic issues, a few related to the earthquake. One case was so so sad today. A mom brought in twins. Nowhere the same size. One was about max 12lbs and the other one was max 5 lbs. They were 4 months old. The tiny one looked like one of Molly's dolls. We paid her way to take a cab to a local hospital. I don't think she was understanding the urgency. She was very sad. The baby most likely has a heart defect from birth. That was the worst today.
The other half of our team just arrived today. It will take a bit to adjust to the new folks, but I am sure it will be fine.
I am a bit jealous the I can't text all the time. Tomorrow we will be going 3 hours away and staying there a few days. We will be leaving our "Ritz Carlton" place and tenting it. I love and miss u all. Tons of stuff in my head and swirling around but hard to put it down. Love you.
And this note was texted to me from my friend Nate who is leading the trip. It was his reply to a text I sent him:
She is doing awesome bro. She knows her stuff, works hard without complaining, and is joyful!
Keep praying!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Haiti Update - Feb 2
They are staying at a Christian school. She said the walls are concrete, they have electricity (though it went out for an hour today), and they are well protected. The school is back in session, using rooms that weren't damaged. She said in one of the rooms, the following was written on the board: Verse of the day, January 12, 2010: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13. The earthquake hit the next day.

Monday, February 01, 2010
A couple of messages...

Haiti Update - Feb 1
One thing to pray about is phone service. There are networks working there, but not all the Blackberry’s are working. So pray that she can get on a network; it will be easier for her to communicate that way. That’s all I know for now.
Thanks for your prayers…keep ‘em coming.
PS: Below are some pictures that she's texted along the way...

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Update on Janice's Trip to Haiti
I’m going to do my best to keep you all updated on Janice’s trip to Haiti. She has an international Blackberry, and hopefully will be able to use it while down there. We agreed that she would email me updates. I’ll then pass them to you via email. Also, I’ll be updating our family blog at, and my Facebook account, so you can keep tabs there too.
We found out yesterday, that she’ll be flying this afternoon (Sunday) on a private jet to Miami. The plan is to hotel there, then head to Port-au-prince a day early (Monday).
She’s a little concerned that she brought too much, and needs to figure out a way to pare it down, so please pray for her to have practical wisdom in that regard.
Below is an email from our friend Nate who is leading the trip, just to give you some more insight.
Blessing to all of you…
Hello again friends. Tomorrow I leave for 8 days in Haiti. I am leading a team of 14 RN’s, doctors, and paramedics. This will be our church’s 3rd team.
The reports coming from our returning teams are really heartbreaking. Whatever you see on CNN doesn’t do it justice. I encourage you to do whatever you can to help the Haitians! Pray, Give or Go! But do something. Don’t look on passively.
Our teams say that there are children orphaned by the earthquake just roaming the streets without a place to live. In many cases, 5 year olds are taking care of 3 year olds as they fend for themselves on the street. Others are being preyed on by traffickers or people looking to gain something from them.
Pray for us as we go. We are in this for the long haul! Part of my purpose in going is to scout out a section of the city that we will commit to rebuild from the ground up, much like we did in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. I need to connect with the right people and have the wisdom of God as I go! Pray for Jamie too as she’ll be staying behind.
Another desire of ours is to see if we can help the process of getting Haitian kids adopted. Jamie and I have offered to adopt, and we have rallied 11 other couples in our movement who have stepped up to do the same. I love the body of Christ! We don’t know where this will head, so pray for that too!
Just getting into Haiti has been an incredible effort. Two different Texas businessmen have offered the use of their private jets so we can get there. And the interesting thing is that neither of them are believers. They just wanted to help. I call that the FAVOR OF GOD! At this point we have no clear plan on how to get out, but that isn’t our concern at the moment. We just want to get there.
Thanks for praying!
Nate & Jamie
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Giving to Haiti
A note from Janice
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The links below will take you to the pictures:
Cruise Pictures - Part 1
Cruise Pictures - Part 2